Hannecard is digitizing
Managing documents can take a lot of time. Therefor Hannecard recently invested in the countroll® platform, an online management system especially developed and customized for rollers, that brings all your documents and roller info digitally together!
Hannecard is the first roller covering company ever who makes it possible for its customers to digitally consult and manage all their roller documents like label data, inspection reports, technical data sheets, technical drawing, and so on.
Hannecard has experienced that the digital provision of documents is a workload reducer for the company itself, but also for its customers. Thanks to this innovative platform the piles of paper belong to the past and customers can easily consult their roller documents where and whenever they want, resulting in a better customer experience & efficiency and an administrative simplification: no loss of documents, no need any more to organize documents and to spent hours perusing through documents.
And digital documents help us also to save our environment. The switch will save Hannecard at least 100.000 sheets of paper annually, saving several trees every year.
For more info, check www.countroll.com